"mRNA Injections" Efficacy Timeline
Definition of "effective" in the coming months: dying after taking the jab BUT not from (or with) COVID (!)
Following Jessica’s excellent article on “Does the mystery leading cause of death in Alberta apply to certain age groups?”…
… it occurred to me. The mRNA injections are really effective at preventing people from catching COVID, especially in the younger population, because they die before getting a chance of catching it.
I know it’s dark, but I can fully envision the media pushing this line of reasoning in the coming months.
Why not? They have already successfully managed to get people to believe the most blatant absurdities.
These vaccines are 100% “Safe and Effective”.
“If you take the shot, you won’t get sick”
The vaccines are safe, you can still get sick, but they prevent transmission
The vaccines are safe, you can still get sick, they don’t prevent transmission, but they prevent serious illness
The vaccines are safe, you can still get sick, they don’t prevent transmission, they don’t prevent serious illness, but at least you can feel good in knowing you “played your part” (TM)
The vaccines are 100% “safe and effective”, you will die (much) sooner if you take them, but you will die of something other than COVID. (Huge sigh of relief!)